Thursday, October 18, 2012

first poetry in a while


I split myself down the middle
and throw one half away
sell my soul to the dealers
just to drown out yesterday

tomorrow is a challenge
that i secretly pray not to meet
today too much to handle
because old pain is all i see

the half of me thats forgotten
is so much better dead than whats still here
fighting demons, lies, and myself
too tired to hold life near

this world is just too much
for a half heart search as me
someone please stop this madness
and hide the old pain from me

i cant trust myself to do better
i dont know how to be any other way
so i sell my soul and all its beauty
just to drown out yesterday


Untitled (for now)

You keep me locked up, forgotten in a cage
all my love and beauty hidden for today
to hold me safe you destroyed my every dream
and traded my soul for a desire that never went away

how long have you suppressed reality
neglecting to experience the truth within
lying to your own reflection
saying that I display all your sin

you sit there discontent and lonely
drowning in tears caused by your own lies
soulless unloved and ugly
denying every truth you once possessed to don a new disguise

forgive yourself, remember me
before my love and beauty turn to rage
and for you i shall renew the wisdom
the truth and joy you sold to hide your age

i shall guide you thru your mirrored ocean of your pain
once you see true freedom in my eyes
and the key turned once to hide the truth
will open the door, proving love never dies

and in the end of our forgiveness the only part destroyed
will be the pain we sent away
finally free of your aged shackles
dreams will be realized in the light of a new day